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how to prevent annoying colds


how to prevent annoying colds

Home remedies and natural medicine, here are our best tips to strengthen the immune system and stay healthy!

After the long autumn and chilly winter, spring, with its changeable weather conditions, is often the cause of annoying colds and flu waves.

With these tips, you can take preventive action as well as possible and strengthen your immune system

1. wash away germs

The best method to fight microorganisms is to wash your hands regularly. Sounds almost too easy, but it is. Use warm water and soap - rubbed in thoroughly - for cleaning. A few sprays of disinfectant solution can also help if there is no sink nearby.

But we have to warn you: don't ruin all the work using  a shared towel in a public place. Paper towels or hand dryers are just as useful - and not a breeding ground for viruses and germs.

2. Keep your distance

When it comes to germs, anything and everyone you touch can cause infection. It could be the pen you use to sign a contract, your computer keyboard, doorknobs, your company phone.

Bacteria lurk everywhere, especially in public transport: some people even go so far as to always wear gloves on buses or trains to protect themselves. But this is not necessary because an antiseptic spray in your pocket can help clean your hands immediately.

Plus, antiseptic wipes are a real boon on any surface you suspect might be full of bacteria. Even if you haven't caught your accounting colleague coughing all over your keyboard, it is still a good idea to use it to sanitize your phone and keyboard once a week.

Another solution is to always take your pen with you. Not only to sign the paperwork, but you can also use it to operate the keypad on the ATM and prevent another cold carrier.

Of course, you can also use a few tricks in the fitness center to prevent infections. Always use a clean towel for seats and mats (if you don't do that anyway) and wipe the parts of the equipment you touch a lot - for example, the handles on the cross trainer - beforehand with an antibacterial solution.

3. Get off the couch

When we talk about the gym, it must, of course, also be mentioned that exercise is a brilliant way to strengthen the immune system and not let the pesky germs get to work in the first place.

A study by David Nieman and his colleagues at Appalachian State University found, "Exercise is probably the most powerful weapon in reducing sick days in winter."

He also found that a brisk 30-45 minute walk increases the number of immune cells in the body and that regular aerobic exercise for at least five days a week, 20 minutes a day, can reduce sick leave days by as much as 40 percent.

4. Alternative means

Herbal remedies such as coneflower, turmeric, and zinc are often touted as the ideal natural alternative to fighting viruses, but there is hardly any concrete medical evidence.

If you notice a noticeable effect, stick with it - it certainly can't hurt. Others swear by vast amounts of vitamin C when they feel a little sick, have had a particularly strenuous exercise, or have been in the cold for too long. The healthiest option here is the natural one - juicing or mixing different fruits and vegetables that are bursting with vitamin C - for example, broccoli, apples, parsley, lemons, oranges, or whatever else you like.

5. Wrap up warm

Your mother or grandma has probably always told you: dress warmly; then you won't get caught.

Ron Eccles, a professor at Cardiff University, did a study suggesting that a scarf over your neck and nose can make a big difference in cold weather. He found that the nose's pathogens multiply faster in chilly temperatures than in warm climates.

Also, it's better to dress too warm. Because this way, you can always peel a layer off your body, should it get too hot?

6. Time for tea

Hot drinks with lemon and honey not only cure an existing cold but also stimulate the hair follicles in the nose to drive away from the germs more efficiently.

Also, honey is known to have antibacterial properties, while lemon has an expectorant thinning effect.

7. Chicken soup for body and soul

A typical home remedy for colds is chicken soup - and it's not just a wives' tale. In addition to the vapors that soothe and stimulate nasal congestion, researchers have now found that the chicken soup ingredients have medicinal effects that fight cold viruses.

In this case, however, the topic of nutrition is a huge point anyway - balanced, lots of fruit and vegetables, avoid sweets or unhealthy fast food - and rather freshly pre-cooked and packed to the office than in the canteen or wrapped in plastic from the office Bought supermarket.